Monday, 16 May 2011

No Sparks for Italian Thoroughbreds!

I Drive an Alfa Romeo and over the last six months it has spent more time in the garage than on the road. It is currently with an auto electrician as I have lost vital electric systems to keep the car working!

Alfa Romeo has a reputation of unreliability, which I can only agree with as I have experienced every possible problem. I write this with the news of an Italian Cruise liner hitting the head  lines as it too has lost vital systems due to an electric fault.

The MSC Operahas been crippled in the Baltic Sea and Tugs have been sent to tow the stricken vessel to a port in Sweden. The Opera has no power and cannot offer it's usual high standards. This a very unfortunate incident and one that very raley happens within the cruising industry. MSC will ensure that all passengers will be taken care off and uphold there strong position within the cruise market.

Every time my car lets me down, I look forward to getting it back as I wouldnt drive anything else. MSC will correct the problems and soon be back on the waters.

It wouldn't be Italian if it didn't break occasionally!

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